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The Battle for Life

Many eons ago the world crumbled to dust due to a great calamity and cause all living things to cease to exist. But like a dying tree a new seed sprouts from the remains of the old. This new world sprang back and life began to form all around the a primeval realm, many races began to pop up and begin to rebuild. But one race ruled over all the races known as the anakii they foresaw another great catastrophe was inevitable and enslaved all the lower races to help build great machines powers by dark magic to help prevent the great catastrophe. Many died in the making of the great machine either by exhaustion or being expose to dark mama for to long and going mad from it .one day a great doom could be heard all around the land and they anakii disappeared.Now liberated and free the races all went there speperate ways to find a new purpose.Many years passed and all the races began to form there own cultures and civilization most carving out there own little homes out in the wild but no matter what walks of life they come from almost all races shun dark magics of all time due to there horrible history. There are those who wield it and has become corrupted by there dark magic and driven mad but a choose few can weild it with barely any side effects. But there are whispers in the wind that there are dark forces appearing around the land that will bring fourth a new catastrophe to the realm

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